Breaking conventional barriers through Modern age Banking

Avanza Group with over 2 decades of Banking Technology experience and customer footprint across 45 countries is a one stop technology shop for regulators, central banks, banking federations, global banks, local Financial Institutions (Fis), Community Banks and Credit Unions.

Our cutting-edge banking platforms help financial institutions roll out modern-age banking platforms to their customers.

With a view to disrupting conventional banking , our technology enables banks and FIs to unlock their growth potential by seamlessly offering products and services across digital channels and customer touch points.

Our global expertise in Digital Banking Platforms, Transaction processing & payment systems, State of the art Customer Service Platforms and numerous other banking services technology platforms sets us Avanza apart in terms of our team’s expertise, our global view of banking landscape and our keen eye on new disruptive technology disciplines.

Our banking technology platforms are always evolving. Our research led product development combined with our firm grasp of global compliance standards helps our banking customers maintain their technology edge while safeguarding their customers’ data and interests.

Explore our out of the box banking platforms


Digital Banking Platform

Unison Ace

CRM/CXM platform


Multichannel Switch


Enterprise Middleware Platform

Reducing risks, increasing compliance, standardization & efficiency through use of disruptive tech

Avanza helps regulators, banking federations and fin-tech consortiums launch national platforms that help address key areas of regulation, compliance and standardization.

Financial regulation is often interpreted and implemented inconsistently within the BFSI sector within many jurisdictions.

Avanza is helping banking consortiums and regulators achieve the common goal of achieving across the board compliance, monitoring and regulation through smart use of technology.

Our national-scale platforms in the areas of KYC, Anti-TBML, Trade Finance and Digital Artefact exchange are helping regulators standardize, regulate and monitor banking relationships and transactions in a non-intrusive manner, thereby also deriving priceless insights from accumulative national data sets.

On the other hand, these platforms provide banks with a technology-enabled safety net to grow their businesses while mitigating their default and fraud risks.

Our approach to national financial regulation and supervision is industry wide. We strongly feel any measure or improvement in these areas by individual banks in isolation does not suffice. We feel industry-led and industry-wide technology-led ventures are more apt vehicles to hedge banks’ risks and give regulators insights into critical areas of compliance.

Explore our Reg-tech and BFSI Industry Collaboration platforms

INSTACHAIN – Avanza’s Blockchain based Reconciliation & Settlement Platform is an inter-organization solution that helps organizations reconcile financial and non-financial transactions.

Consonance is an eKYC blockchain empowered platform which provides end-to-end KYC requirements and ensures digital execution of the process.

Trade Bridge is an industry-wide platform that enables banks to verify duplicate financing frauds and address numerous financial crime risks associated with trade finance,

ASSURE – Avanza’s Bank Trust Network solution, based on cutting edge Blockchain technology, is a next-gen solution to an age-old problem of document exchange,

Leveraging technology for better financial supervision

Learn how financial regulators and banking consortiums are taking advantage of Avanza’s Blockchain Solutions to address industry-wide problems related to trust, transparency, and efficiency

Avanza helps regulators, banking federations and fin-tech consortiums launch national platforms that help address key areas of regulation, compliance and standardization.

Financial regulation is often interpreted and implemented inconsistently within the BFSI sector within many jurisdictions.

National Scale Platforms

Avanza is helping banking consortiums’ and regulators’ achieve the common goal of achieving across the board compliance, monitoring and regulation through smart use of technology.

Our national-scale platforms in the areas of KYC, Anti-TBML, Trade Finance and Digital Artefact exchange are helping regulators standardize, regulate and monitor banking relationships and transactions in a non-intrusive manner, thereby also deriving priceless insights from accumulative national data sets.

On the other hand these platforms provide banks with a technology-enabled safety net to grow their businesses while mitigating their default and fraud risks.

Regulating Financial Institutions to achieve transparency & efficiency

Regulators have tried to enforce compliance and standardization through notifications/memos and resorting to a penalty-driven regime.

There has been very little to almost no use of inclusive technology to achieve national standardization and governance of pressing challenges such as KYC, AML, TF, TBML and other grave issues.

In highly regulated jurisdictions, banks and financial institutions remain conservative in their business models and approach for the fear of possible non-compliance. This apprehensive and conservative approach hinders banks in achieving their true growth potential thus resulting in a setback to overall economic momentum in the country.

In low-regulated jurisdictions regulators are often catching up with financial non-compliance and frauds thereby facing massive pressure from international regulatory bodies. Large magnitudes of financial non-compliance often result in contraction of foreign direct investment and assess to global money markets for developing countries.

Our Approach

Avanza’s approach to national financial regulation and supervision is industry-wide. We strongly feel any measure or improvement in these areas by individual banks in isolation does not suffice. We feel industry-led and industry-wide technology-led ventures are more apt vehicles to hedge banks’ risks and give regulators insights into critical areas of compliance.

Explore Avanza’s case studies to understand how our teams helped regulators and banking consortiums launch national-scale platforms to address vital areas of regulation and compliance